Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Medicinal Value of Ginger

Ginger has been used as a medicine for thousands of years to treat a wide range of ailments from diarrhea to arthritis. Besides it medicinal use, this tuber has been used as culinary cooking spice for nearly 4500 years. Ginger products, like candy, are made from fresh or dried ginger root and the herb is available in many different forms. Fresh ginger root can also be prepared as a tea. Read on to learn more about this powerful herb that can be found in any grocery store across the country.

1. Highly valued as a spice, ginger (Zingiber officinale) has been used medicinally for thousands of years by Chinese physicians. Ginger acts as an antioxidant and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and pain-killing properties. It also improves liver function and lowers cholesterol as well as having beneficial effects on the heart. Ginger has anti-ulcer activity and improves the function of the muscles in the gut while helping to relieve spasm. Ginger is also valued for its warming properties.
- Nicola Reavley, The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Herbs
2. Ginger helps the body to sweat, so toxins are drawn to the skin's surface. To prepare the ginger bath, place half-inch slices of fresh ginger in boiling water over a stove; turn off the heat, and steep for thirty minutes. Remove the ginger, and add that water into a tub already filled with hot water.
- Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith, The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps
3. Try some ginger ale — ginger is a known stomach soother. It's best to drink flat ginger ale at room temperature (cold beverages will irritate an upset stomach). Take tiny sips, especially if you have already vomited. If you can keep that down, sip a bit more. If you're out of ginger ale, you can try making a cup of ginger tea (with grated gingerroot). Some people even find relief by nibbling on a gingersnap.
- Carol Turkington, The Hypericum Handbook: Nature's Antidepressant
4. Ginger juice produces better recovery from symptoms of nausea than ondansetron, a commonly prescribed drug during chemotherapy.
- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism
5. Ginger has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors in the colon in animal studies.
- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism
6. Ginger root extract (gingerols) inhibits the growth of Helicobacter pylori in the digestive tract, which is a bacterium linked to stomach cancer.
- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism
7. Ginger stimulates blood circulation. These effects make it useful in treating a number of disorders marked by swelling and pain, such as arthritis. A three-year study of fifty-six people with rheumatoid arthritis found that about 75 percent of the subjects achieved relief from pain and swelling by taking powdered ginger.
- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies
8. If you take ginger for medicinal purposes, the powder form is the best because of its high concentration of nutrients. Take 4 grams (about 1 teaspoon) of powder divided in two to four doses over the course of the day. Ginger tea is a good herbal tonic for influenza because of its soothing qualities and its antiviral abilities. To make fresh ginger tea, cut a one-inch slice of fresh ginger-root into small slivers. Place the ginger in a pot and simmer at a near boil for about 15 minutes, then strain into a cup. Add a little honey to taste.
- Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki, The Okinawa Program: How the World's Longest-Lived People Achieve Everlasting Health
9. For centuries, ginger has been prescribed by Ayurvedic and Indian healers to treat the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Ginger contains natural anti-inflammatory agents called gingeroles. Fresh ginger, however, also contains compounds called shogaoles, which can cause stomach irritation in some people.
- Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!
10. Ginger tea aids digestion and soothes heartburn, and powdered ginger capsules, tea, or candy control motion sickness and nausea without causing drowsiness. Fresh ginger root relieves the sting of minor burns and can prevent and fight heartburn by absorbing stomach acid. A ginger compress can soothe carpel tunnel syndrome.
- Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D., The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies
11. Ginger supplementation helped to modulate immune activity in a beneficial direction, suggesting usefulness in control of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Another study of ginger found that the herb could help control the risk factors involved in "syndrome X," which combine to greatly increase risk of type 2 diabetes — a condition that creates severe inflammation throughout the body because of the pro-inflammatory effects of high blood sugar and high insulin levels.
- Freedom Press, Natural Cancer Cures: The Definitive Guide to Using Dietary Supplements to Fight and Prevent Cancer
12. A double-blind study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association compared the effects of ginger and Dramamine, a common over-the-counter motion sickness drug, and found that ginger was actually more effective. In addition, ginger had none of the side effects — such as drowsiness — of the commercial drug. Ginger is an even more effective anticoagulant than garlic or onions; gin-gerol, one of its compounds, has a structure very much like that of aspirin, which also thins the blood. Ginger is a folk remedy for menstrual cramps.
- Gary Null, Get Healthy Now with Gary Null: A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Healthy Living
13. Ginger is an inexpensive, effective, and nearly universally available remedy for inflammation and pain. It is used to treat cramping that accompanies constipation and to relieve peptic ulcers. In China, ginger has been put to the novel use of helping to turn breech babies by giving the mother ginger teas before delivery.
- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies
14. To test the ability of ginger to reduce inflammation, a preliminary clinical study was conducted on seven patients with rheumatoid arthritis in whom conventional drugs had provided only temporary or partial relief. One patient took 50 grams per day of lightly cooked ginger, while the remaining six took either 5 grams of fresh ginger or 0.1 to 1 gram of powdered ginger daily. All patients reported substantial improvement, including pain relief, increased joint mobility, and decreased swelling and morning stiffness.
- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
15. Ginger has a long tradition of being very useful in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, including the nausea and vomiting typical of pregnancy. Although the mechanism of action has yet to be elucidated, current thought is that this is due more to ginger’s effects on the gastrointestinal tract than to any effects on the brain. Ginger’s anti-vomiting action has been studied in the most severe form of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting, known as hyperemesis gravidum.
- Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition
16. Ginger also can settle stomach upset caused by food allergies. Ginger inhibits the production of immune-system components called cytokines, chemicals that create a long-term tendency toward inflammation.
- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies
17. In Japan, ginger's anti-parasitic effect is put to use in the preparation of sushi, which is traditionally eaten with pickled ginger. In the laboratory, ginger extracts have been shown to kill the anisakid worm, a parasite sometimes carried in raw fish, within sixteen hours, about the length of time the parasite would have to establish itself in the digestive tract after consumption of contaminated fish.
- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies
18. Fresh ginger is used to help break down high-protein foods such as meats and beans and lessen the effect of uric acids in the body from eating these foods. Dried ginger feeds the properties of foods and herbs to the lower extremities — the colon, kidneys, ovaries, sexual organs, and legs; it also treats motion sickness, and is most convenient in the form of capsules or a tincture for this purpose. Ginger should not be used when signs of heat are present.
- Paul Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
19. Garlic and cayenne are good remedies for exterior conditions such as the common cold.
- Paul Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
20. Ginger tea is useful as a supplement in treating schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease increasingly prevalent among tourists returning to the United States
- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Saturday, April 17, 2010

20 Things You Need to Know about Caffeine

Coffee is the number one beverage choice for adults to get their caffeine fix and soft drinks are the largest source of caffeine for children. Caffeine intake is linked to anxiety as well as depression because of the significant alteration of brain chemistry. To negate the effects of caffeine, the body has to find 2-3 cups of water just to remove the caffeine, a dangerous proposition for a chronically dehydrated population. Read on to learn more about the startling effects of caffeine on the body and brain.

1. The caffeine in green tea (or coffee or any other caffeine-containing beverage), for instance, is theoretically poisonous. It could be fatal if you drank a dose of 50 liters (approximately 12 gallons) of green tea, which contains 10 grams of Caffeine. Green tea is considered nontoxic because it is impossible for anyone to drink 12 gallons of the beverage in a single sitting.

- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

2. But some people are so sensitive to the effects of caffeine that they should stay away from coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks at any time in the afternoon. And don't assume that decaffeinated coffee is the solution to your insomnia problems. If heartburn is contributing to your nighttime sleep woes, the culprit could be decaf coffee, which can trigger acid reflux that may wake you up.

- Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy

3. A study has revealed that among coffee drinkers, slow caffeine metabolizers seem to be at substantially higher risk of heart attack than fast metabolizers. The more coffee the slow metabolizers drank, the greater their danger. Since these variations have not been taken into account in prior studies, they may be the reason for the inconsistent findings about coffee and blood pressure. It is not possible to easily tell whether you are a rapid or slow caffeine metabolizer, so we encourage people with hypertension to err on the side of moderate caffeine consumption.

- Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy

4. It is important for alcoholics to avoid refined sugars and caffeine, as they stress blood sugar control mechanisms and may increase the craving for alcohol. In one study, excluding caffeine, junk food, dairy products, and peanut butter was compared to a control diet for six months. Eighty-one percent of the subjects on the treatment diet remained sober, compared to less than 40 percent on the control diet. B vitamins are extremely critical in the nutritional support for alcoholism. Alcoholics are almost always deficient in at least one of the B vitamins.

- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

5. The sensitivity to the stimulant effects of caffeine varies greatly from one person to the next. This is largely a reflection of how quickly the body can eliminate caffeine. In other words, some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others, due to a slower elimination of these substances from the body. Even small amounts of caffeine such as those found in decaffeinated coffee or chocolate, may be enough to cause insomnia in some people.

- Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

6. Although caffeine is a well-known stimulant, the intensity of response to caffeine varies greatly; people prone to feeling depressed or anxious tend to be especially sensitive to caffeine. The term caffeinism is used to describe a clinical syndrome, similar to generalized anxiety and panic disorders, that includes such symptoms as depression, nervousness, palpitations, irritability, and recurrent headache. Several studies have looked at caffeine intake and depression. For example, one study found that, among healthy college students, moderate and high coffee drinkers scored higher on a depression scale than did low users.

- Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

7. Caffeine intake is linked to anxiety as well as depression for the same reasons that it produces mental and physical stimulation. Caffeine produces significant alteration of brain chemistry.

- Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

8. For every cup of tea or coffee a person ingests, the body has to mobilize about 2-3 cups of water just to remove the caffeine, a luxury it cannot afford. This also applies to soft drinks, pharmaceutical drugs, or any other substance or activity that brings about the release of stress hormones, including watching TV for many hours. As a rule, all stimulants have a strong dehydrating effect on the bile, blood, and digestive juices. To heal a cancerous growth, stimulants are counterproductive, and it is best to avoid them.

- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism

9. Simply eliminating refined carbohydrates and caffeine (which can aggravate hypoglycemia) from the diet is sometimes all that is needed for effective therapy in patients whose depression results from reactive hypoglycemia.

- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

10. It is especially important to eliminate or restrict intake of refined sugar and caffeine. Sugar is a major contributor to hypoglycemia, and caffeine stresses the adrenal glands. Although caffeine consumption provides temporary stimulation, regular caffeine intake may actually lead to chronic fatigue. While mice fed one dose of caffeine demonstrated significant increases in their swimming capacity, when the dose of caffeine was given for six weeks, a significant decrease in swimming capacity was observed.

- Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

11. Simply avoiding caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and any foods that trigger allergies, along with boosting B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium, can go a long way in relieving anxiety. In fact, cutting out caffeine alone often results in the complete elimination of symptoms. The diet should be rich in foods that have higher levels of B vitamins, such as leafy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Foods high in calcium and magnesium include sea vegetables, sesame, milk, and dairy products as well as leafy green vegetables. Stress reduction and relaxation exercises are often recommended for those suffering from anxiety.

- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

12. Caffeine, sugar, nicotine and alcohol damage neurons and neurotransmitters and decrease the ability to deal successfully with stress, thus a degenerative spiral begins. The Brain Longevity Diet is not severe or restrictive, but it is certainly different from the standard American diet, which consists of 35 to 40 percent fat, and includes an abundance of processed foods and refined sugars. I recommend a diet that revolves around whole grains, vegetables, non-animal protein, fruits, and an occasional serving of fish. In general, this diet is tailored to fit individual needs and preferences.

- Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory

13. Since caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, the people in this country are electrified: always on, brains jazzy as neon, bodies humming like generators. Unfortunately, quite a few of them also end up electrocuted. The Country of Caffeine is America, of course. And many of its highly caffeinated citizens are nervous and irritable and can't get a good night's sleep. They have headaches, queasy stomachs, and daytime drowsiness. And they may be putting themselves at risk for osteoporosis, heart disease, and possibly even certain types of cancer. All because of caffeine.

- Bill Gottlieb, Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

14. Elias also asks his fibroid patients to avoid refined sugar, white flour, alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes, all of which stress the body and interfere with healing because they overwork the liver and lead to stagnation and fibroid growth.

- Bill Gottlieb, Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

15. It is also important to reduce the intake of alcohol (especially beer), caffeine, and sugar, all of which have an adverse effect on the way testosterone is metabolized and cleared from the body.

- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

16. Too much caffeine can raise blood pressure and lead to insomnia. In addition, it can be addicting.

- Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy

17. Intolerance to some foods, such as lactose, fructose, caffeine, fiber, or legumes, in patients with IBD is also often suspected because these foods have the same effects in normal individuals. In the latter case, the disease or its consequences (e.g., short bowel, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, obstruction) may make the consequences of the food intolerance more profound. - Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey, Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease

18. In 1943, we published a paper on caffeine withdrawal headache as a clinical entity by using the individual patient as his or her control. The patients abstaining from caffeine drinks of all kinds were given numbered envelopes, which contained increasing doses of caffeine. On the seventh or eighth day, all the capsules in the envelope were placebos, which on withdrawal of caffeine precipitated a monstrous headache. The patient appeared at the laboratory, where the headache was studied biochemically and the patient was treated.

- Carl C. Pfeiffer, Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

19. However, an overexcited and suppressed immune system eventually fails to provide the "energizing" adrenaline and cortisol boosts needed to free the body from the acidic nerve toxin caffeine. At this stage, people say that they are "used" to a stimulant, such as coffee. They tend to increase their intake of it to feel the "benefits." The often-heard expression, "I am dying for a cup of coffee," reflects the true peril of their situation.

- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism

20. Stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol affect the nervous system. The nervous system and the gut are tightly connected. When it is stimulated it can cause a chain reaction of gastrointestinal upset, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Food sensitivities may play a role in autoimmune conditions. If you have a reaction to certain foods, you may inadvertently be causing an inflammatory reaction in your body. Take care to avoid certain foods that are triggers for your condition.

- Heather Caruso, Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health

Friday, February 5, 2010

18 Things You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Cancer

Health Summary sent me this research compilation last week. Please, take time to read through.

Think twice before applying that sunscreen! Did you know vitamin D deficiency kills more than one million people each year? As more and more people slather on the sunscreen (which is most likely filled with harmful and toxic chemicals), they get less and less of nature's "sunshine" vitamin, which is synthesized by the skin when exposed to direct sunlight. On the flip side, the risk of being harmed by the sun is minimal. Sufficient vitamin D levels can decrease a woman's breast cancer risk by 50 percent, and supress tumor growth in colorectal, breast and prostate cancer.
Read on to learn more about the overwhelming evidence between cancer risk and vitamin D deficiency - and what you can do about it.
Author Quotes about Vitamin D and Cancer:
1. "Vitamin D suppresses tumor growth and promotes differentiation in colorectal cancer in much the same ways it does in breast and prostate cancer. Normal colon cells have higher vitamin D receptor concentrations than abnormal or cancerous colon cells."
- James Dowd and Diane Stafford, The Vitamin D Cure
2. "The combination of vitamin D and vitamin A slows prostate cancer cell growth in the lab. Clinical research on activated vitamin D and vitamin D-like molecules in humans shows promise. We know that activated vitamin D alone often slows the growth of prostate tumors, and the different concentrations of vitamin D receptors on cancer cells versus normal prostate cells can help to separate cancer cells from normal cells by growth rates."
- James Dowd and Diane Stafford, The Vitamin D Cure
3. "D deficiency that plagues 80 percent of the American population. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and almost every other degenerative disorder. 'The elderly, who spend little time in the sun and use sunscreen agents frequently, may be at risk for vitamin d deficiency,' according to a statement made by the Mayo Clinic."
- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism
4. "Over 42 percent of Americans suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and 47 percent of pregnant women are severely deficient in this important hormone. Their children tend to have weak bones that break easily, even during their childhood years. Many chronic illnesses are due to vitamin D deficiency, including osteoporosis, cancer, and depression. You cannot stop a vitamin D deficiency by taking supplements. Sunlight is the only real remedy. To make sufficient amounts of vitamin D, dark-skinned people need to spend at least two to three times longer in the sun than do Caucasians."
- Andreas Moritz, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body
5. "Vitamin D may play an anti-cancer role by slowing cell division. Sunshine is the natural source of vitamin D."
- Dr. Steve Blake, Vitamins and Minerals Demystified
6. "Vitamin D is crucial for the immune system and may play a role in cancer prevention as well."
- Kenneth W Thomas, Ron Gilbert, Gerd Schaller, Side Effects: The Hidden Agenda of the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel
7. "In 2007, Doctor Cedrick Garland and colleagues, using pooled analyses of available research, estimated that maintaining a vitamin D blood level of 55ng/ml could annually prevent 250,000 deaths worldwide, including 60,000 in the USA." - Marc Sorenson, Solar Power For Optimal Health
8. "I even learned that your own body freely generates the best anti-cancer medicine in the world - vitamin D - a nutrient that's been proven to slash breast cancer risk by an astonishing 50 percent, but only if you get some exposure to natural sunlight or consume vitamin D through fish oils and nutritional supplements.
- Mike Adams, Natural Health Solutions
9. "All African Americans have vitamin D deficiency and they consequently have higher rates of cancer. Slathering on sunscreen is not such a good idea. We've gone too far with sunscreen because we're not getting enough vitamin D. This is a 'coming public health disaster in the US.' Everyone should get a half hour of sunshine a day."
- Stacy Malkan, Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry
10. "Research shows that vitamin D has a variety of important benefits besides lowering blood sugar. It seems to protect against eighteen different kinds of cancers, has a significant positive impact on the immune system in fighting colds and flus, viruses, and TB, and protects against rickets and osteoporosis."
- Gabriel Cousens, There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Live 21-Day+ Program
11. "Those not getting sufficient sunshine to meet their vitamin D needs should take a supplement. Vitamin deficiency is epidemic in America, and it contributes not only to the development of osteoporosis but to increased cancer and heart disease as well."
- Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Cholesterol Protection for Life, New Expanded Edition
12. "On the other hand, lack of sun exposure and subsequent vitamin D deficiency kills more than one million people each year. Comparatively, the risk of being harmed by the sun is minimal. The most dangerous of skin cancers, which is melanoma, usually appears in parts of the skin where the sun does not reach at all, or not reach enough. If you have the opportunity, for optimal protection expose your entire body to the sun, including the private parts."
- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease -- It's A Survival Mechanism
13. "Now it seems as if every month there is a new study documenting the beneficial effects of sunlight and vitamin D, which, as you know, we get from the sun. For instance, in one of these recent studies, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego (a very sunny place), concluded that almost 150,000 cases of cancer - particularly colorectal and breast cancer - could be prevented each year by just ten to fifteen minutes a day of exposure to sunlight."
- Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle, Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again
14. "Numerous other studies have supported this research, showing that modest unprotected exposure to sunlight helps the body produce the vitamin D it needs to keep bones healthy and protect against cancer, including skin cancer. Yes, you read that right. Of course, repeated sunburns - especially in childhood and in very fair-skinned people - have been linked to melanoma. But there is no credible scientific evidence that moderate sun exposure causes skin cancer."
- Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle, Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again
15. "A study from Finland also confirmed a connection with a deficiency of vitamin D and prostate cancer. People living in northern hemispheres, where the days are dark most of the winter months, could benefit from taking a vitamin D supplement. Don't forget about also taking a whole food supplement to get all your daily requirements of all the essential nutrients."
- Gregory, A. Gore, Defeat Cancer
16. "The net result is that not getting enough sunlight lowers your vitamin D and serotonin levels and thereby increases your risk of cancer and many other illnesses. Also be aware that most cosmetics now contain UV-blocking chemicals. These include face creams, makeup products, moisturizers, lotions and anti-wrinkle creams. If you feel you absolutely need a sunscreen product because you are unable to avoid the direct midday sun, make sure it has mostly natural ingredients in them."
- Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease -- It's A Survival Mechanism
17. "Doses of 1 micro-gram per day of vitamin D have been shown to reduce blood pressure in hypercalcemic patients. Vitamin D may also be effective against cancer. Results of one nineteen-year long study of 1954 Chicago men which showed that an intake of greater than 3.75 micrograms per day of vitamin D was associated with a 50 percent reduction of colorectal cancer."
- Gary Null, Ph.D., Gary Nulls Ultimate Anti-Aging Program
18. "We know that the skin needs vitamin D, which is produced in response to sunshine. We also know that the skin needs vitamin A. But today man's body has become so degenerated, so filled with mucus, acid toxins, and mineral and vitamin deficiencies that he can't spend a great amount of time in the sunshine. There are many people who develop all kinds of skin conditions from exposure to the sun and then falsely put the blame on sunshine. The sun pulls out the impurities below the skin - trying to purify you. Skin cancers spring from toxic cells."
- Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg, The Miracle of Fasting: Proven Throughout History for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Rejuvenation